Wednesday, May 31, 2017

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The Shawshank Redemption"

very good movie 9.5/10 محمد الشعراوى
Some birds aren't meant to be caged.

The Shawshank Redemption is written and directed by Frank Darabont. It is an adaptation of the Stephen King novella Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption. Starring Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman, the film portrays the story of Andy Dufresne (Robbins), a banker who is sentenced to two life sentences at Shawshank State Prison for apparently murdering his wife and her lover. Andy finds it tough going but finds solace in the friendship he forms with fellow inmate, Ellis "Red" Redding (Freeman). While things start to pick up when the warden finds Andy a prison job more befitting his talents as a banker. However, the arrival of another inmate is going to vastly change things for all of them.

There was no fanfare or bunting put out for the release of the film back in 94, with a title that didn't give much inkling to anyone about what it was about, and with Columbia Pictures unsure how to market it, Shawshank Redemption barely registered at the box office. However, come Academy Award time the film received several nominations, and although it won none, it stirred up interest in the film for its home entertainment release. The rest, as they say, is history. For the film finally found an audience that saw the film propelled to almost mythical proportions as an endearing modern day classic. Something that has delighted its fans, whilst simultaneously baffling its detractors. One thing is for sure, though, is that which ever side of the Shawshank fence you sit on, the film continues to gather new fans and simply will never go away.

It's possibly the simplicity of it all that sends some haters of the film into cinematic spasms. The implausible plot and an apparent sentimental edge that makes a nonsense of prison life, are but two chief complaints from those that dislike the film with a passion. But when characters are this richly drawn, and so movingly performed, it strikes me as churlish to do down a human drama that's dealing in hope, friendship and faith. The sentimental aspect is indeed there, but that acts as a counterpoint to the suffering, degradation and shattering of the soul involving our protagonist. Cosy prison life you say? No chance. The need for human connection is never more needed than during incarceration, surely? And given the quite terrific performances of Robbins (never better) & Freeman (sublimely making it easy), it's the easiest thing in the world to warm to Andy and Red.

Those in support aren't faring too bad either. Bob Gunton is coiled spring smarm as Warden Norton, James Whitmore is heart achingly great as the "Birdman Of Shawshank," Clancy Brown is menacing as antagonist Capt. Byron Hadley, William Sadler amusing as Heywood & Mark Rolston is impressively vile as Bogs Diamond. Then there's Roger Deakins' lush cinematography as the camera gracefully glides in and out of the prison offering almost ethereal hope to our characters (yes, they are ours). The music pings in conjunction with the emotional flow of the movie too. Thomas Newman's score is mostly piano based, dovetailing neatly with Andy's state of mind, while the excellently selected soundtrack ranges from the likes of Hank Williams to the gorgeous Le Nozze di Figaro by Mozart.

If you love Shawshank then it's a love that lasts a lifetime. Every viewing brings the same array of emotions - anger - revilement - happiness - sadness - inspiration and a warmth that can reduce the most hardened into misty eyed wonderment. Above all else, though, Shawshank offers hope - not just for characters in a movie, but for a better life and a better world for all of us. 10/10
Make way for the best film ever made people. **Make way.**
There is a reason why this movie is at the top of any popular list your will find.
Very strong performances from lead actors and a story line from the literary brilliance of Stephen King (and no, its not a horror).
Sufficient drama and depth to keep you interested and occupied without stupefying your brain. It is the movie that has something for everyone.
It's still puzzling to me why this movie exactly continues to appear in every single best-movies-of-all-time chart. There's a great story, perfect cast, and acting. It really moves me in times when I'm finding myself figuring out things with my annual tax routine reading this article, and accidentally catching myself wondering what my life should be if circumstances had changed so drastically. This movie worth a rewatch by all means, but yet, there's no unique vibe or something - there are thousands of other ones as good as this one.

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Tuesday, May 30, 2017

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If you somehow missed this movie and have never seen it then watch it immediately. As a young boy of 9 on my way to the cinema I wasn't at all prepared for the on-screen awesomeness I was about to witness, one of the defining movies of my childhood and of the modern age. With special effects that simply blew any and all previous dino movies out of the water, compelling story and the odd comic moment such as the Mr Arnolds arm it really did make that evening something I will remember forever. So successful it went on to spawn 3 sequels, the second was enjoyable, the third not so much. The newest Chris Pratt one, I'll leave that for you but its worth a watch, especially if you want to wash the taste of the 3rd one out of your mouth. It gave me nightmares for weeks, really really wonderful nightmares.
I love it. There are movies coming out right now, 25 years later, with triple the budget (even _Jurassic_ movies) where the effects just cannot hold a candle to _Jurassic Park_. If that was the **only** thing it had going for, it would be enough for me to recommend this movie for all, but make no mistake, _Jurassic Park_ is **great** with or without them (but thank God it's with).

_Final rating:★★★★ - Very strong appeal. A personal favourite._
"Life finds a way… to let us enjoy dinos in theaters"

Filthy rich millionaire John Hammond (Richard Attenborough) is about to open a dinosaur theme park. He invites a couple of experts to satisfy his investors. During a preview tour things go awfully wrong.

While ‘Jurassic Park’ is too simplistic to be a perfect movie it is blockbuster cinema at its very best. Spielberg grabs you by the throat from the get go and you instantly know you’re in for quite a ride.
The story is simple but effective. Author Michael Crichton did his very best to make the cloning dinosaurs part plausible. When you have living giant meat-eaters in your amusement park it’s not hard to come up with something which causes things to go south so fast before you can say T-rex.

The movie works because it doesn’t take itself too seriously. The characters are somewhat underdeveloped but their main purpose is to serve as dino treats. The Ian Malcolm character (Jeff Goldblum) is of little use but he’s funny. Grumpy Dr. Grant (Sam Neill) is the perfect counterpart. You can’t help but root for these characters.

What makes the movie stand out are the ground-breaking special effects. Even to this day it’s remarkable what ILM and Stan Winston’s crew achieved. Although a 'Jaws' approach would have perhaps worked better (Love the shot of the T-rex’ leg in the mud) the dinos look so realistic.

What ‘Jurassic Park’ does have in common with 'Jaws' is John Williams’ score. Although not as ominous and iconic as 'Jaws', Williams went for wonderment this time around. Perhaps not regarded as his most famous work it’s amazing. When the experts travel to the island Williams’ score does indeed give you a sense of wonderment. The scene where the visitors first lay eyes on the dinosaurs is movie magic.

Rereleased for its 25th anniversary it’s safe to say we rarely have had more fun in the cinema than while watching 'Jurassic Park'.

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Black Hawk Down 2001 online stream

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Black Hawk Down


Black Hawk Down 2001


191 sehr klein




AAF 1440p


Action, History, War


English, Somali


Dangelo, Sidonia B. Roxanne, Mukti W. Ivana

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Black Hawk Down"

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Children of Men


Children of Men 2006


169 Niederschrift




MP4 720p


Drama, Action, Thriller, Science Fiction




Heath, Allyson W. Ashwyn, Faige L. Keyara

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Children of Men"

A strong premise and great cast prompted my interest, but the movie falls short of its promise. Clive Owens gives a great performance and a few of the scenes are remarkably memorable and resonant. However, there are very long stretches where the movie simply stagnates and the plot drifts away, especially towards the end. Overall, it's rather melancholy and despite the "action" scenes, not especially thrilling. If you like sci-fi movies set in dystopian futures, or are a big Clive Owen fan, you may still find it worth watching despite its flaws.

An aside: One of the "extras" on the DVD has some heavily accented academic trilling at length about the movie's philosophical meaning. It's entertainingly over-the-top and almost unintelligible: jargon piled into a Dagwood sandwich of contradictory abstractions. Anyway, if you don't watch too much of it, its good for a laugh.
Cuaron's masterpiece so far (including Gravity, which was gravely miscast). This film is: a) easily the best film of the decade of the 2000's; b) the finest dystopia film since 'A Clockwork Orange' and probably the best sci-fi since '2001: A Space Odyssey'; and c) all the evidence you need that Clive Owen should have been selected as James Bond in place of Daniel Craig. Heartily recommended to anyone interested in how great both science fiction and cinema can possibly be. You may be depressed with the state of both the world and mankind, after watching it, but you won't be disappointed in the possibilities of cinema.
**Thought provoking piece of art !!**

**CHILDREN OF MEN**....How a baby's cry can make the whole world stop, the bullets stop flying in a war, people forget all their pain, the only thing that matters is how to make that precious gift of god smile again..The movie depicts it beautifully! When the world is falling apart, coming to its end, how a THEO does things that he otherwise would have not done for anything or anybody else...It doesn't seems practical that how at every point of time there is somebody to see them sail through, but that is all LIFE is about...HOPE...There's a THEO in everyone of us...It's in our choose, THEO or Luke...The world will surely end someday but till then we must all protect the CHILDREN OF MEN, protect the world...Do our bit for the mother earth..!!

**P.S. - loved the laughter of the babies in the end!!**

Scenes I LOVED -

1. When Julian was shot.
2. When Theo thought Jasper was dead.
3. When Dylan was born.
4. When Theo said to Luke "It's a GIRL"
5. When Marichka expressed she isn't coming.

There may be more, but these are all I remembered.

Michael Caine was adorable as always, Julianne Moore was pretty, Clive Owen was perfect, Kee was sweet, Miriam was, don't know, heart !

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Hairspray 2007 online stream

Hairspray 2007

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Hairspray 2007


187 Augenblick




AVCHD 1080p


Family, Comedy, Music, Romance




Chaz, Chédin A. Aissa, Aurèle B. Stuti

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Sunday, May 28, 2017

Gladiator 2000 online stream

Gladiator 2000 Mit Untertitel Stream

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Gladiator 2000


197 kleinst




MPEG-2 1440p


Action, Drama, Adventure




Lévy, Arvesen T. Tamanna, Grâce E. Latayah

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Gladiator has been my most favorite film of all time. It is an epic masterpiece in many ways and it really explains why despite the numerous viewings, Gladiator still amuses me with its powerful imageries and many other crucial aspects so that it won five Academy Awards. This film is very well written, the well-ensemble casts, the A-class acting (especially Russell Crowe and Joaquin Phoenix), the stunning cinematography and definitely a strong character of Maximus (magnificently portrayed by Russell Crowe) whose life, struggle, disappointment and anger really move the audience, as if the world attention centers on him. Gladiator is not a historical film, because it only used the history of the ancient Roman Empire merely as the time setting.
All other aspects namely those gorgeous shots, the great storyline/plot, the fantastic cinematography, the vividly lavish colors, detailed production design and digital imaging (that successfully rebuilt the stunning beauty of the ancient Roman Empire) and all sell really well, making the 170 minute-long running time definitely worthwhile. The visual of great battle in the first 15 minutes really stole my heart. The gruesome pictures, the blood and violence just to beautiful to abandon. Everything in this movie seems perfectly balanced, Ridley Scott as the film director really did his homework well in redefining and revitalizing the big battle sequence once considered masterpiece from Spartacus and Ben Hur. In the end, once again, I would say that Gladiator perfectly combines some crucial elements such as good, moving story, dazzling visual, beautiful scenery, filming techniques, direction and touching music score into one harmonious, action-packed film about heroism and its true meaning.
They said you were a giant. They said you can crush a man's skull with one hand.

Ridley Scott's Gladiator is not a perfect film, I would think that the hardiest of fans, of which I'm firmly one, know this deep down. Yet just like Commodus in the film is keen to point out that he himself has other virtues that are worthy, so does Gladiator the film. Enough in fact to make it an everlasting favourite of genre fans and worthy of the Academy Award acknowledgements it received.

In narrative terms the plot and story arc is simplicity supreme, something Scott and Russell Crowe have never shied away from. There has to my knowledge as well, never been a denial of the debt Gladiator owes to Anthony Mann's 1964 Epic, The Fall of the Roman Empire. Some folk seem very irritated by this, which is strange because the makers of Gladiator were not standing up bold as brass to proclaim they were unique with their movie, what they did do was reinvigorate a stagnant genre of film for a new generational audience. And it bloody worked, the influence and interest in all things Roman or historically swashbuckling of film that followed post Gladiator's success is there for all to see.

What we do in life echoes in eternity.

So no originality in story, then. While some of the CGI is hardly "Grade A" stuff, and there's a little over - mugging acting in support ranks as some of the cast struggle to grasp the period setting required, yet the way Gladiator can make the emotionally committed feel, actually overrides film making irks. Crowe's Maximus is the man men want to be and the man women want to be with. As he runs through the gamut of life's pains and emotionally fortified trials and tribulations, we are with him every step of the way, urging him towards his day of revenge splattered destiny - with Crowe superb in every pained frame, winning the Academy Award for Best Actor that he should have won for The Insider the previous year.

Backing Crowe up is Joaquin Phoenix giving Commodus preening villainy and Connie Nielsen graceful as Lucilla (pitch Nielsen's turn here against that of Diane Kruger's in Troy to see the class difference for historical period playing). Oliver Reed, leaving the mortal coil but leaving behind a spicy two fold performance as Proximo the Gladiator task master. Olly superb in both body and CGI soul. Richard Harris tugging the heart strings, Derek Jacobi classy, David Hemmings also, while Djimon Hounso gives Juba - Maximus right hand man and confidante - a level of character gravitas that's inspiring.

I didn't know man could build such things.

Dialogue is literate and poetic, resplendent with iconic speeches. Action is never far away, but never at the expense of wrought human characterisations. The flaming arrows and blood letting of the Germania conflict kicks things off with pulse raising clarity, and Scott and his team never sag from this standard. The gladiator arena fights are edge of the seat inducing, the recreation for the Battle of Carthage a stunning piece of action sequence construction. And then the finale, the culmination of two men's destinies, no soft soaping from Scott and Crowe, it lands in the heart with a resounding thunderclap. A great swords and sandals movie that tipped its helmet to past masters whilst simultaneously bringing the genre alive again. Bravo Maximus Decimus Meridius. 10/10
Ridley Scott's Gladiator is a real masterpiece of its genre. With its unique battle scenes, cinematography, acting and directing. It's a real must-watch. Shame on you if you haven't watched this movie!

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